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Although there are already a number of schools, both private and public, offering their services to provide education to pre elementary and elementary ages, the demand to put up another school, offering the same courses, could not be ignored.
1. Award and otherwise issue appropriate certificates and/or diploma of completion for courses of instructions as may be taught therein pursuant to law; 2. Receive and acquire from any person or entity, whether resident or non-resident of the Philippines by donation, grant, endorsement, trust, lease, gift or purchase, money, lands and other property or interest therein, which shall be used exclusively to carry out the objective and purpose of the institution; 3. Prescribe and enforce such rules and regulations necessary and proper and not contrary to the law, in the admission of students as well as in the governance of their conduct and behavior while in attendance thereat and; 4. Do all things which are necessary or expedient suitable or proper for the attainment of the objective of the school.
Hanniel Christian Academy, Inc. envisions to meet and implement the objectives issued by the Department of Education as stipulated in DECS ORDER NO. 107,s. 1989 as: 1. To develop the child in all aspects (physical, social, moral spiritual, emotional and cognitive) so that he may be better prepared to adjust and cope with life situations within the context of his experience. 2. To maximize the child’s potential through a variety of carefully selected and meaningful experiences considering his interests and capabilities. 3. To develop the child in all aspects so that he becomes a self-propelling, thinking and contributing individual able to make decisions which will prepare him for the more complex demands of future life. 4. To establish, support and maintain a school of learning which is dedicated to serve children of Pre-elementary/elementary level in the development of their highest potentials.
Specific Objectives: 1. To provide affordable and quality education that meets the different aspects of the child’s needs. 2. To develop each child’s creativity through arts, music, dance and drama. 3. To provide a non-threatening and safe place of learning environment. 4. To help them develop a spirit of nationalism and love of country. 5. To help them develop positive social interaction with other children. 6. To provide good information and practice on adequate nutrition. 7. To develop and instill values, moral and spiritual aspects based on the Word of God. 8. To develop a spiritual knowledge of God as the Creator and Who has a purpose for each child’s life.
Philosophy The Hanniel Christian Academy, Inc. believes: 1. Every child is a unique, special creation of God. 2. The child’s learning and experiences during the first six years are the best years to inculcate sound teachings and values for a wholistic development. 3. Every child will learn through interaction with others, the environment and through learning tools. 4. A child’s learning skill will develop easily through play. 5. A child’s sound body goes with sound mind. 6. The parents, the school and the community contribute to every child’s development. 7. That the teacher’s role is to provide experiences that are interesting and appropriate to the child. 8. That the teacher should make the learning fun and stimulating.
Facilities Development Plans HCAI will make a higher education level offering each year. HCAI will provide up to High School education. Additional two (2) to three (3) floors building for elementary and high school classroom expansion and other facilities and offices. A school canteen where the students can eat healthy foods instead of junk foods. To meet both the learning and nutrition at the same time, a subsidized meal for selected or otherwise all students.
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